Eggcelent Cinematic Easter Eggs


Eggcelent Cinematic Easter Eggs

Wishing all our cool chicks and badass bunnies a blessed Good Friday and a Happy Easter Sunday! Who doesn't love Easter? Not only is it a great excuse for us to stuff our faces in chocolate! But it’s also the time to flex our competitive skills with a good ol' egg hunt! As you remember painstakingly fighting off all the neighbor’s pesky kids for those colorful eggs, there’s something rewarding about filling that cheap straw basket up to the brim (despite knowing there is ALWAYS spare eggs hidden in the pantry). Like every kid (and grown up), everyone deserves a treat at Easter, and we believe that more than ever for our special readers too (i.e. YOU)! So we’ve generously collated a sweet list of our favorite eggcellent cinematic Easter eggs *spoilers ahead* for you to nibble on, including a hidden REAL Easter egg!

Beetles and Volkswagen Beetle Real Life Easter Egg

Just some everyday, average, normal beetles?🤔

Toy Story

Toy Story Shining Easter Egg

Pixar movies are, of course, chock full of easter eggs. The more Pixar movies that come out, the more throwbacks there are (and throwforwards – there are frequently easter eggs hinting at Pixar’s upcoming movies). This tradition extends all the way back to their first movie, Toy Story. While there weren’t any other Pixar movies to reference, they certainly threw in all kinds of other pop culture references including Binford Tools from Home Improvements, Picasso, and Little Tikes. Most notable an easter egg is the carpet in Sid’s house which is a shout-out to another very evil location, the Overlook Hotel in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining.

Captain America

Captain American Nick Fury Pulp Fiction Tombstone

Samuel L. Jackson is THE certified bad*ss! From Jules Winnfield in Pulp Fiction to Nick Fury in Avengers, you know he’s going to be dishing out a can of whoop*ass. Every time we re-watch Pulp Fiction, as soon as Jules starts quoting Ezekiel 25:17, we get a major case of goosebumps. So when the founder of the Avengers “dies”, it’s only suitable to have Ezekiel 25:17 as the epitaph on his tombstone.

Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones Star Wars Easter Egg

Okay, this will be utter blasphemy to some (a lot) of you, but neither of us actually watched the original three Star Wars. 😱 I don’t even mind Jar-Jar Binks (oh, did I just cross a line there?). We did, however, watch Indiana Jones, in which it turns out George Lucas threw a whole lot of Star Wars at us. At the very beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark, a seaplane is named OB-CPO, referencing both Obi-Wan Kenobi and C-3PO. More on the nose is Club Obi Wan at the start of Temple of Doom. And then there’s the cute little R2-D2 and C-3PO hieroglyph on the stone pillar as Indy reveals the Ark. Also our favorite little easter egg, did it ever occur to you that, if you squint a bit, Indiana Jones kinda looks like Han Solo?? 🤣

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Zombie Raccoons

We couldn’t finish off a list of cinematic easter eggs without sharing what might have been the origin of cinematic easter eggs, which were literal easter eggs. Legend has it that while filming Rocky Horror, the cast and crew had a little easter egg hunt. Some of the eggs were so well hidden that they weren’t found during the hunt and made their way into the movie!

So there you have it, I hope we made up for the horror we instilled in you with last week’s zombie animals. Sorry, did we just bring up some bad memories? Well, how about a distraction with your own little easter egg hunt? Share whatever video game, cinematic, or IRL easter eggs you find with us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Did you know that from time-to-time, we’ll pick random interacting followers to send some PGTM freebies?

Keep poppin'

Eric and Sophie

Image Source (top to bottom): GIPHY, The Domestic Rebel, Sally's Baking Addiction, Alana Jones-Mann, GIPHY

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